Accurate And Factual: This is the #1 important rule for our site. We only accept articles that are well researched and factual.
Publication: If a piece is denied, our editorial team will let you know why, and advise you on where to make any necessary changes so you can resubmit it for publication. Your article should be live within two working day of submission. This might take a little longer over holiday periods, and other circumstances out of our control. A post won’t be published until it meets our guidelines.
Originality: Articles should be original to the author and unpublished elsewhere (not even on your personal blog). We always double check this before accepting an article. Do not publish an article on our site if you plan to distribute it to other websites. While you should never republish the post, You can to offer an excerpt of the post on your blog, and then supply a link where your readers can read the rest on our site.
No SEO Articles: We are not interested in SEO-driven submissions. If you write for the sole purpose of building links to boost your SEO, or to plug a product or brand name in a post, it won't be accepted. You can link to another article you have written on BudoNation or to a statistic or a study from a reputable source.
Bio and promotion: Since we do not compensate our guest bloggers, we're more than happy to include a byline and a brief bio with up to 3 links which include one to your website, and your social accounts. We also your post when it goes live. Please try to limit your bio to just 3-4 sentences. In your bio, the link to your blog will be dofollow.
Word count: No maximums but posts typically run between 700 and 1200 words.
Claims: Always include a link to a reputable source, if you mention a statistic or a study in your post, so our readers can learn more if they choose to investigate your claim further. Preferably your links should come from scientific papers, academic journals, and/or credible news outlets.
Copyright: The author of a post retains all copyright, but your post will remain on BudoNation with full attribution to you (the author) in the event you decide to change you membership status.
Please only submit one post at a time: We accept one guest post a week per blogger. You're welcome to submit again once your post has been published.
Thanks again for interest in writing for BudoNation. We will inform you if your article has been accepted for publication. We do our best to respond to guest bloggers within a week or so of receiving your email. In the event we choose not to accept your article, you may or may not hear from us, depending on how many emails we have to answer.
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